
My thoughts on all things design—from visual designs like logos to conceptual designs like IT solutions.

 Oct 4, 2021 ·  4min read

Being Productively Creative—Artist vs. Designer

Have you ever experienced “writer’s block” or “masterpiece syndrome?” Here’s some advice on how to frame your mind, get into problem solving and be productively creative. Continue…

Music Design Innovation

 Jan 15, 2021 ·  10min read

S2S: Stairs to Success

For most of us, success depends on the interaction with other human beings. S2S is a simple method that can help you be more successful. I’ll show you how. Continue…

Career Design Leadership

 Apr 12, 2020 ·  5min read

Useful Hugo Templating

Developing templates for the static website generator Hugo? Then these advanced tips & tricks might be helpful to you. Continue…

Design Likes Tutorials

 Mar 23, 2020 ·  Jun 4, 2022 ·  5min read

Redesign March 2020

On this day three years ago, I launched my blog. Today, I publish its first redesign: bigger, bolder, bluer, and (hopefully) better than its predecessor. Continue…

Design Personal Likes

 Jan 14, 2020 ·  5min read

Improving Your Chances With Non-Negotiables

Your chances of winning any game improve drastically once you learn the rules. But what if there aren’t any clear rules? Non-Negotiables are here to help. Continue…

Career Design Innovation Leadership

 Feb 28, 2019 ·  7min read

Test Your Way to Success

Ever spent too much time on something that turned out to be based on the wrong assumptions? Here’s how to make sure that you’re investing your time correctly. Continue…

Career Design Innovation

 May 17, 2017 ·  12min read

The Making of the Ypertex Logo

The approach behind the creation of the Ypertex logo—and the similarities between visual designs (like logos) and conceptual designs (like IT solutions). Continue…

Design Personal